June! Since it is my birth month, I am
being self-indulgent and writing about all of my favourite movies. For some of the more well-known movies out
there, I will be mostly reflecting on the why it is one of my
favourites, as opposed to the usual format of a plot rundown and a wee little
bit of reflection. Not all of my
favourite movies are classics – some fall into the guilty pleasure category –
but whatever. It’s my birthday month,
deal with it. OK, disclaimer out of the
way, let us begin…
Sleeping Beauty (1959). Oh, hey,
it’s my birthday! WOOOO! So, I am writing about my favourite Disney
movie of all time (Beauty and the Beast is a very close 2nd). So, let’s get to it!
Aurora: Voiced by Mary Costa. Aurora (also
known as Briar Rose when she is being hidden by the three fairies) has a little
more personality than most Disney Princesses from this era, but not much. She is fairly spirited and whatnot, but
mostly is just pleasant and dreams about finding true love.

Three Fairies: Flora, Fauna and Merryweather: Voiced by Verna Felton, Barbara
Jo Allen and Barbara Luddy, respectively.
They are the guardians of Princess Aurora. They give her the gift of beauty and song,
and… sleep? Trust me, it makes
sense. Flora and Merryweather fight like
woah, and Fauna is just in her own little world. Love.
y’all, if you don’t know what Sleeping Beauty is about… yeesh.
so we start with the celebration of the much-anticipated birth of King Stephan
and the Queen’s (Leah?) daughter, Aurora.
The three fairies show up to bestow gifts upon her: Flora gives her the
gift of beauty, Fauna the gift of song, and Merryweather…. gets interrupted by
the entrance of one pissed off Maleficent.
out Maleficent wasn’t invited to the shindig.
So, she curses Aurora with
the prophecy that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick
her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. That’s a bit harsh for not being invited to a
birth celebration. There’s probably more
to it, but it’s never explained. Again,
we don’t really care because Maleficent is crazy awesome.
she curses the Princess, she peaces out in true villain fashion, leaving the
King and Queen quite distraught. They
ask the fairies if there’s anything they can do, but their magic isn’t strong
enough to counteract Maleficent’s. But
they can make an adjustment.
Merryweather still have one gift left.
She changes the curse so that instead of death, she will fall into a
deep sleep until true love’s kiss awakens her.
Stephan wastes no time in having all of the spinning wheels in the kingdom
burned, but even that isn’t enough. The
fairies deliberate, and decide the best thing to do is to take baby Aurora and hide
her in a cottage in the woods until her sixteenth birthday. They sneak her out in the dead of night.
to sixteen years later. Maleficent is
still searching for Aurora , but her
minions have been looking for a baby for sixteen years. Stupid minions. Maleficent decides to send her raven to do
the job.
Briar Rose has grown up to be a beautiful young woman, with a beautiful
voice. When those fairies give gifts,
they don’t mess around! She is all
pleasant and dreamy as she wonders if she will ever meet a man.
fairies, disguised as peasant women, are planning a surprise party for Briar
Rose, so they send her out to pick berries.
While she’s gone, Flora decides that she’s going to make a dress, Fauna
will make a cake, and Merryweather will be the dress dummy. And they have to do it all without
magic. This should be good…
Phillip is out for a ride in the woods and hears Aurora
singing to herself. He in enchanted by her
voice, and sets out to find her. He gets
knocked off of his hose, Samson. His
interactions with his horse are pretty funny.
So, Aurora
is singing “Once Upon a Dream” to the forest animals (of course she is) and
Prince Phillip winds up cutting in. They
fall in love on sight, but she’s not allowed to talk to strangers or reveal any
information about herself, so she runs off.
the fairies are not doing so well with their non-magical birthday prep. The cake is a disaster, and the dress… well…
up with this nonsense, Merryweather gets the wands and they go to work. Flora gets to the dress, Fauna makes the
cake, and this time Merryweather is on clean up duty. Poor Merryweather. She always gets the short end of the stick…
well, until Merryweather and Flora fight over the color of the dress. Their magic colour streams shoot up through
the chimney and are spotted by the raven.
Phillip goes to his father and tells him all about the beautiful peasant girl
he’s fallen in love with, but the King is none to happy about that. He goes to Aurora ’s
father and they wind up having it out over stupid Kingdom negotiations stuff,
but the scene is great, and they wind up being cool and all.
to the actual story… Aurora is
taken to the castle, but Phillip shows up to the cottage after they left to be
kidnapped by Maleficent.
fairies sneak Aurora into the
castle just before sunset so they can get her ready to be presented. She’s all moody teenager on them, so they
leave her alone for a minute. Stupid
fairies! It’s not sunset yet!
lures Aurora to some tower in the
castle and she pricks the spindle. Ah,
the best-laid plans. As the sun sets,
the fairies find Aurora in a deep
sleep. They put her in her bed, and
decide to put the entire Kingdom to sleep.
Makes sense.
decides to pay Prince Phillip a little visit.
She tells him that she is going to keep him there for a hundred years
before she lets him go awaken Aurora
with his kiss. Seriously, woman. I don’t understand your motive here. But again, it really doesn’t matter, because
you are awesome.
fairies show up to help Prince Phillip break out of the castle, and what
follows is the best climax Disney has ever done. The fairies turn the raven to stone, help him
escape, Maleficent raises thorns around King Stephan’s castle, and when he
breaks through those, she transforms into this:
before the transformation, she says “Now you shall deal with me, oh
Prince! And all the powers of
Hell!” I had a story book of this when I
was a kid, and they changed the line from “powers to Hell” to “Powers of
evil”. Totally not as effective.
Prince slays the dragon, kisses the girl, and they all live happily ever after.
why do I love this movie so much? It was
the last of the great fairy tales until The Little Mermaid, and it took
them almost ten years to get it from idea to screen. It is such a unique and special movie.
art direction is amazing. It is based on
classical artists. The only film that comes
close stylistically is Pocahontas.
The colours are vibrant, the characters drawn perfectly. Aurora
is stunning, but believable as a sixteen year old, Prince Phillip not only has
a personality, but he is gorgeous.
The fairies all have their own unique looks to go with their
personalities, as well as colours – Flora is red/pink, Fauna is green, and
Merryweather is blue.
music. Of course. The music is almost entirely taken from Tchaikovsky’s
Sleeping Beauty Ballet, albeit rearranged. Some is taken from other classical pieces,
and anything original to the film fits right in. It is beautiful, and used well here.
Maleficent. Best villain ever. Eleanor Audley also voiced the evil
stepmother from Cinderella, and is Madame Leona on the Disneyland
Haunted Mansion
ride. She is terrific. Her motives aren’t really stated, and her
revenge does seem to be a bit much for not being invited to a party, but she is
just so amazing, it doesn’t matter.
movie is a reminder that animated does not have to be silly. It does not have to be directed strictly to
children. It is an art form, and can
appeal to people of all ages. This movie
captivated me as a child, and there is only a small amount of slapsticky humor
when the fairies are trying to make Aurora ’s
party without magic. It is a smart,
beautiful film.
a wrap! Tomorrow: another Princess…
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