June! Since it is my birth month, I am
being self-indulgent and writing about all of my favourite movies. For some of the more well-known movies out
there, I will be mostly reflecting on the why it is one of my
favourites, as opposed to the usual format of a plot rundown and a wee little
bit of reflection. Not all of my
favourite movies are classics – some fall into the guilty pleasure category –
but whatever. It’s my birthday month,
deal with it. OK, disclaimer out of the
way, let us begin…
Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995). Oh my,
I’ve been slacking! It was an “eventful”
weekend at work, which was exhausting.
So, I have a lot of catching up to do. Wheee!
movie is Mr. Holland’s Opus. This
is essentially a love letter to music teachers everywhere. And since my most memorable (in a good way)
teachers have been, for the most part, music teachers, I love this movie. Every time I watch it, I want to be a teacher,
but then I remember how it ends and decide that I don’t want to put up with
that crap. And I am constantly grateful
for those who are willing to in order to help mold the minds of today’s youth.
so here are the main players:

Holland: Played by Glenne Headly. She is
Mr. Holland’s rock. She’s a
photographer, and supports her husband. She
is also a very dedicated mom.
Principal Wolters: Played by William H. Macy.
VP Wolters is kind of a jerk. He is
a stick in the mud old school administrator who fights Mr. Holland on
everything. He sort of comes
around at the end, but really, he’s a jerk.
movie basically follows the career of a high school music teacher in Portland ,
Oregon over thirty years, beginning in
1965. Glenn Holland does not want to be
a teacher, and it takes about half the school year before he hits his stride
and finds his footing, but then he becomes a dedicated, caring and successful
teacher. The movie goes along, stopping
at various points in his career to show the different relationships with
various students. There’s the shy
clarinet player who is terrible, but yearns to be good; the not-so-bright
wrestler who needs the grade to stay on the team that he teaches to play the
bass drum; the stoner that he convinces to get straight. There’s also the young high school senior
who, when he feels trapped in his life, serves as his muse and his last chance
to get out of his small town teaching life and do what he’s always wanted –
compose a great symphony. Of course, he
chooses the life he has over the life he could have.
film ends with the tragic cutting of the arts (everything – performing arts,
visual arts, you name it) to save the budget.
UGH, this is all too real. There
is a reason why Save the Music is around, people! Feeling that his whole career has been
meaningless, that he can just be tossed aside so casually, Mr. Holland moves
out of the music classroom he has occupied for thirty years. On his way out the door, he hears noise
coming from the auditorium. It is a
going away shindig in his honor. Former
students are there, faculty friends are there, current students are there. If you are prone to crying like I am, this is
where you bust out all the tissues you own.
first student, the clarinet player, is now the Governor of the state, and makes
a speech about how much he influenced her, stating that the students that have
walked the halls of their high school are his symphony. I’m getting a little choked up just writing
this, y’all…
a whole bunch of students past and present are revealed from behind the
curtain, and Mr. Holland leads them in the first-ever performance of the opus
he had been working on for the past thirty years. *SOOOOOOB!*
film also follows his personal life – the birth of his son, the discovery that
his son is def, and his decades-long depression over the fact that he thinks he
can’t share what he loves the most (music) with his son. They find a common ground, and develop a
relationship, and he finds a way to connect with his son.
love this movie. I damn near cry several
times throughout, and always lose it at the end. More education administrators need to watch
this. And they need to stop cutting arts
budgets… OK, rant time:
was a horrendous student when I was in high school. I always thought I was stupid, because once
upon a time, I had a teacher that pretty much told me I was. But that’s a different story for a different
blog. Anyway, I grew up in a house of
music and movies and theatre. I wanted
to be an actress and a singer from a young age.
If there hadn’t been an arts program at my school, I would have been
completely lost. It was the only place I
excelled. It was the only area in which
I put in serious effort. All of my
closest friends were artists in some way or another. Even though I wasn’t a visual artist, I spent
most of my free time in the art room with them, attempting to create
something. And the art teachers
supported that. But my true love was
performing. As I got older, my
confidence in my performing skills waned, but I still love the arts, support
the arts, and see the need for them in school.
Is it any wonder our society is so culturally lacking? There is no appreciation for art in school,
why should it be appreciated outside of school?
Seriously. Students need creative
outlets and artistic expression. Stop
cutting our damn arts! Start taking
education seriously! OK, end of rant…
are a few lines that always stand out to me in this movie:
teacher has two jobs; fill young minds with knowledge, yes, but more
important, give those minds a compass so that that knowledge doesn't go to
waste.” – Principal Jacobs to Mr. Holland while he is still trying to find his
footing as a teacher.
I guess you can cut the arts as much as you want, Gene. Sooner or later, these
kids aren't going to have anything to read or write about.” – Mr. Holland to VP
Wolters (who is now the Principal) about the budget cuts. Also? SO.FREAKING.TRUE.
music is supposed to be fun. It's about heart, it's about feelings, moving
people, and something beautiful, and it's not about notes on a page. I can
teach you notes on a page, I can't teach you that other stuff.” – Mr. Holland
to Gertrude Lang, the struggling clarinet player.
you love music, want to be a teacher, or both, then why exactly haven’t you
seen this movie? Even if you aren’t a
teacher or as passionate about music as some, this is still a feel-good movie,
and Richard Dreyfuss is spectacular in this role. After you watch this, make sure to track down
a teacher who meant something to you and thank them. Trust me: they remember you, and appreciate
it. So, I would like to offer a
shout-out to two of my favourite teachers: Ms. Woods, Hanover Middle/High
School Chorus teacher and Mrs. Johnson, Hanover School District Strings
teacher. Both had a profound influence
on my life, and every time I listen to classical music or open my mouth to
sing, they are both in my heart.
a wrap! Up next: quirky Disney.
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