I am posting something a little different.
Still counting movies for the countdown, but today is a tribute to a man
who has had a profound influence on my life: Gene Kelly.
and I began our relationship when I was around 2 or 3, when I first watched Singin’
in the Rain. At the time, it was
just a flash of Technicolor fun, but as I grew older, I developed an
appreciation for the film, and for Gene’s brilliance.
a while, I would only watch musicals from the Arthur Freed Unit with Gene Kelly
or Judy Garland. I adored the three
movies they made together. I only wish
they’d made more.
remember clearly the day Gene Kelly died.
I was getting out of rehearsal for the winter play at Hanover
High School . I had the ACT exam the next day. As I got in the car, my sister informed me of
Gene Kelly’s passing. Tears filled my
After the ACT the next day, my
sister and I talked about his movies, and in his honor, we watched An
American in Paris. I spent the next
week watching all of the movies we owned starring him. The following is a list of some of my favorites,
in no particular order (aside from Singin’, because I already did an
entire post about that one):
For Me and my Gal (1942). This
was Gene’s first movie, and he starred alongside film veteran Judy
Garland. She held his hand and guided
him through the film making process, a favor he would later return to her. Gene and Judy always had insane
chemistry together, apparent from the get-go.
The movie was made right around the time WWII was in full swing, but is
about WWI. Gene plays a Vaudeville actor
who partners up with Judy, with big dreams of playing The Palace. He also freaks out about being drafted and
purposefully ruins his hand to avoid going to war. This movie has a lot of heart and fun, but
also has a darker side to it. Gene’s
performance is a wee rough around the edges, but still great to watch.
Take me out to the Ballgame (1949).
This was the second time Kelly was paired with Frank Sinatra (the first
being Anchors Aweigh, which is ok, and famous for the dance sequence
with the animated mouse, Jerry, but I like this one better). Kelly plays a hotshot baseball player, who is
a Vaudeville performer in the off season.
Sinatra is one of his teammates, along with Jules Munshin. Kelly is a serious playboy, complete with a
little black book. The boys find out
that the club owner has died and left the club to his relative, K.C. Higgins,
who they assume, is a little know-nothing dude.
Turns out, K.C. is a know-everything chick, played by the
amazingly sexy Esther Williams. Of
course, they fall in love. This is a fun
little flick, which was actually Kelly’s idea to begin with. Well done, Gene.
Thousands Cheer (1943). One of
the lesser known movies, also an early Kelly film. This movie teams Kelly up with Kathryn
Grayson. Kelly plays an aerialist (read:
trapeze artist) who has been grounded via the draft. He wants to be a pilot, but is forced to be a
foot soldier. Grayson is the head
Officer’s daughter, and love interest.
There’s this weird thing in the middle of the movie in which MGM hauls
out its current array of stars to put on a USO-type show, which while
entertaining, completely screws with the flow of the film. I tend to fast-forward through a lot of it,
but it’s worth watching if you’ve never seen it. Aside from that, it is actually quite
On the Town (1949). The third,
and final, teaming of Kelly and Sinatra, plus Munshin. An adaptation of the Comden and Green
Broadway musical, it follows three sailors in New York
City on 24-hour leave.
Hijinks and romance! Also
featuring the ever witty Betty Garrett, the always lovely Vera-Ellen, and the
always spectacularly saucy Ann Miller.
At Kelly’s request, they shot much of this film on location, virtually
unheard of for any movies, let alone musicals.
It was a smart move, though – the city itself plays a nice role in the
An American in Paris
(1951). Most people think of tap or
modern dance when they think of Gene Kelly.
But what a lot of people don’t know is that Gene’s true dance love was
ballet. This movie was his love letter
to ballet. There is only one Featuring the music of the
Gershwin Brothers, stunning choreography, and a lot of beautiful artwork, this
is a must-see for any and all musical lovers.
Marjorie Morningstar (1958). This
is one of the rare non-musical, dramatic films Gene Kelly starred in. Also starring Natalie Wood as his love
interest (just go with it) and Ed Wynn. He
plays a guy who is a big fish in a small performing arts camp pond, who does
not have the chops to make it as a serious, professional
playwrite/composer. It’s a decent movie,
but the acting is, at times, very over the top – not just Gene’s, but Natalie’s
as well. The book is a great read, as
well, check it out!
Inherit the Wind (1960). Gene
plays the cynical journalist E.K. Hornbeck, based on journalist H.L.
Menkin. This is where he shines in a
more dramatic role. The movie is
stunning and relevant today, and beautifully acted.
The Pirate (1948). This was the
second paring with Judy Garland, and is often overlooked, but stunning and
smart. Kelly performs with the Nicholas
Brothers at the end of the movie to the Cole Porter song “Be a Clown”, showing
off his tumbling skills. This really is
a unique movie, so you should check it out at least once.
Summer Stock (1950). This was not
only his final film with Judy Garland, but it was her last film at MGM, and who
better to work with than Gene? Just as
she took his hand and guided and supported him through his first movie, he did
the same for her. The two of them are
insanely magnetic together, and the movie is a lot of fun. It’s like the old “Let’s put on a show!”
movies that Judy used to do with Mickey Rooney back in the day. Definitely a must-see.
Kelly was my first crush, an artist to look up to and emulate, and the reason I
moved to Pittsburgh , PA ,
where I had the most amazing 3 ½ years of my young adulthood. The influence he had on dance and the
perception of male dancers is profound.
He was a tremendous talent, fiercely loyal, and stood by his convictions
until his last days. Happy 100th
Birthday, Gene Kelly. You are my lucky
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